Friday, October 30, 2009

an introduction to a new weight loss aid

As the UK’s leading pharmacy-led health and beauty retailer, Boots aims to provide you with all the latest health news, as well as expert information and advice about new healthcare products, such as the soon-to-be-released alli weight loss capsules.
alli is a weight loss aid designed to help adults lose excess weight. alli (orlistat 60mg) is the first pharmacy-only weight loss aid available. alli capsules can now be introduced over-the-counter to overweight adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 28 or above and will soon be available in UK pharmacies for the first time.
Boots is pleased to hear that this weight loss aid is to be made available through pharmacies to help many people in the UK who may struggle with weight loss. According to a recent study by Mintel, 40% of British adults are trying to lose weight. Many of these people will soon be able to use alli as a weight loss aid if they are overweight with a BMI of 28 or above.

How do alli capsules work?
alli capsules work by reducing the amount of fat from the food you eat being absorbed into the body. You can prevent about a quarter of the fat consumed in any one meal from being absorbed when taking alli, so when added to a reduced calorie, lower-fat diet, the capsules can help you lose fifty per cent more weight than by dieting alone.
For example, for every 2lb of weight loss you achieve through healthy eating, alli could help you achieve a further 1lb weight loss.
The active ingredient in alli capsules is orlistat 60mg, which acts locally within the digestive system to prevent fat absorption. There is minimal absorption of the active ingredient orlistat into the bloodstream. Orlistat has been available on prescription for more than 10 years and its safety and efficacy is well documented through data from more than 100 clinical trials.
The recommended dose of alli is one 60mg capsule taken three times daily with meals containing the recommended amount of fat. Always read the label. Find out more about how the alli weight loss aid works.

Is alli suitable for me?
alli is suitable for people who, in medical terms, are classed as moderately to severely overweight or obese. This means adults with a BMI of 28 or above; a person with a BMI of 25 or above is deemed 'overweight', whereas a person with a BMI of 30 or more is classed ‘obese’.
alli is a weight loss aid for overweight adults of 18 or over. If you think alli might be suitable for you, our guide ‘considering alli’ might be useful. Alternatively, why not discuss alli with your Boots Pharmacist.

Information from Boots

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